Elephant Spa Day Retreat !!!

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-47238540 Akila the elephant and her caretaker on a retreat! India is a fun and culturally diverse are known for many things! One of which includes the wildlife and more specifically--elephants. 😍 India is home to over 27,000 elephants and roughly 2,500 of them are kept in captivity. Local activist throughout the (impressively large) country finally made headway in their fight for better treatment of captive elephants and after thousands of cases reporting elephant abuse broke out...the government stepped in. As a result, elephants like Akila are brought to a "rejuvenation camp" each year; and, for several weeks, the animals get to relax in a peaceful, six-acre clearing in a forest away from the lime-light. The camps are referred to as part of an animal welfare initiation program and a costly one, but supporters say that it's worth it. While on vacation, the elephants are bathed twice a day and fed a nutritious diet...